How to SELF RELEASE Your SI Joint for Instant Pain Relief
Dr. Rowe shows how to self release your SI joint for INSTANT PAIN RELIEF!
This video will be broken into an EASY step-by-step guide that will show various exercises to self mobilize, release, or pop the sacroiliac joints — using no special equipment.
They’ll focus on improving mobility and decreasing soft tissue (muscle) tension which may lead to LESS PAIN, tightness, and better range of motion in the lower back, hips, and pelvis.
As a bonus, these back stretching exercises can be done at home, pretty much ANYPLACE and ANYTIME! That way you’ll be able to relieve pain and tightness in the SI joints QUICKLY, and get the pop or release you’re looking for.
Watch now and safely pop your SI joint at home for quick relief!
0:00 Intro
0:43 Exercise 1
2:08 Exercise 2
4:55 Exercise 3
6:07 Exercise 4
7:09 Exercise 5
9:01 Exercise 6
Dr. Michael Rowe
St. Joseph, Michigan chiropractor
If you are looking for effective neck, back, or sciatica pain relief, contact us at 269-408-8439 or visit us at
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SpineCare Decompression and Chiropractic Center
3134 Niles Rd
Saint Joseph, MI 49085
All information, content, and material of this video or website is for informational and demonstration purposes only. It is not intended to serve as a substitute for the consultation, diagnosis, and/or medical treatment of a qualified physician or healthcare provider.
Don’t use this content as a replacement for treatment and advice given by your doctor or health care provider. Consult with your doctor or healthcare professional before doing anything contained in this content.
By watching this video, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless SpineCare Decompression and Chiropractic Center (and its representatives) for any and all losses, injuries, or damages resulting from any and all claims that arise from your use or misuse of this content. SpineCare Decompression and Chiropractic Center makes no representations about the accuracy or suitability of this content.
#backpain #backpainrelief #chiropractic
👉👉 Let us know how this worked for you in the comments section. We appreciate it!
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Like it, except not sure I am self-diagnosiing SI correctly – sent link to your video to my physio who I am seeing tomorrow. Many thanks.
Only long acting corticosteroid injections via interventional Radiologist took away the pain for about 5 months. Getting it done again.
Is it supposed to be painful 😂
At 7.10 what does self release of the si joint mean??
I could kiss you rn ! The relief I got from this ❤ thank you!
I don't understand what you mean by " release" or "pop". What exactly is popping or releasing? Tendons or ligaments? From where to where do they go? It all sounds a bit fuzzy to me.
Can you explain in anatomical terms?
I fk love this guy
Thank you!
Awesome exercises for SI mobility and strengthening
is this going to help with flat back syndrome? if not, can you recommend something that will? i am in excruciating pain in my right glute/flank that runs down the back of my leg. thought it was a slipped disc but xrays revealed disc degeneration and straightening of the lower lumbar. the pain just keeps getting worse and steroids didn’t even touch it…
I did all exercises 1st time & then it popped 😊🙏👌🏽 Can it pop also after exercises? After I did last exercise I stood up and then I heared click. They found my SI joint from CT scan that was done originally for something else, before CT scan I was told I had sciatica (as it's similar symptoms), so thanks to CT scan I can now treat it properly. After doin these exercises 1st time I felt releive, I will keep doin them. Thank you 🙏❤
I had pain when walking and doctor diagnosed me with a bulging disc but when exercises for disc bulge didn't seem to help me I found that si joint dysfunction can also cause radiating pain. I started doing this 2-3 times a day because I'm desperate and it gave me result in just few days. Thank you so much. 🙏🏻
Is it possible to get a paper copy of these SI joint exercises?
Great video, this has given me instant relief. I will likely do this every day or so to give me relief and perhaps put the back pain behind me for good
Awesome, thank you for your work and video! I will work on that!
It would also be so nice to have the same video in a "follow along" format (edited or not) as we could do it just like you do, with same number of reps and hold times, etc
Oh my goodness, first try with the corkscrew and my SI joint popped. Such relief. I hope that nagging feeling that it’s off stays gone next time I work (I’m a massage therapist). Then like a domino effect, my knee popped next so I hope that discomfort is resolved too.
I need to do these on a regular basis. I have MS and am so exhausted most of the time i just can't
Doc, you are a national treasure.
I'm a golfer and tennis player, so this is a constant and debilitating injury. I do this before and after play and it's a lifesaver. Thank you!
I had chiro care for 3 months and infra red Tx for this pain which I thought just lumbar L-4, 5 & 6.
Just found out SI joint issue from lawn tractor rolling end over on top of me! Thank you
I love the hair!!
"His techniques work"…👍
What’s with the hair?
Well Articulated! Thanks:)
🟪自我薦髂關節鬆動 運動Mobility Ex🏵️
1.🌹00:44 趴姿,兩大腿分開, 保持腹側骨盆貼平所在平面, 膝打直狀態, 把打直的兩下肢儘量抬離平面 ; 01:53 進階:把大腿分開或抬起腿狀態下往復將雙足在內八外八兩方向運動。
2.🌹02:09 躺下,彎膝90, 穿著運動鞋(比光腳為佳)的雙腳藉足[跟]發力方式,貼平置牆面, 置捲(滾)巾於臨近繫腰帶尾緣的薦骨體上。自己藉略抬放臀小動作決定壓在薦骨上的力量多寡。雙手置外側髖做插腰姿, 然後把[骨盆]作緩慢[來回前後傾] 的動作, 使捲筒在薦骨背面來回小幅滑動滾動, 尋求可能鬆動被卡住的薦髂關節機會。若成功則有時能感受到pop的發生。可分別向左及向右移置捲筒作相同次數滾/滑式鬆動。
3.🌹04:56 平躺, 膝髖各90度, 一側手置同膝[脛骨節結]前方, 把膝在矢狀面拉向同側肩, 另手置大腿遠端前側近膝處,把該腿在矢狀面推離。再交換動作重複在不同腿執行交互推拉。
4.🌹06:09 坐姿,90/90屈髖屈膝,把雙手掌置膝外側,再出力把大腿向外張開, 手掌與膝外側發力相互拮抗在原位不動5秒再放鬆。06:43 再將雙手握拳相併置雙膝內側發力向外, 雙大腿同時發力向內, 彼此在原位相拮抗,約5秒再放鬆。
5.🌹07:09 平躺, 一腿全伸直, 另一腿彎起置足於直腿膝窩下方小腿背面而被直腿壓在床面, 直腿側的手則跨越到對側膝的外側,把該膝拉向直腿側, 做每次20秒拉伸(此同時要保持上身仍平貼床面不旋轉上身 )
6.🌹08:24 平躺,在上述拉伸操作時, 還可進階再加上用彎膝側的手置放在彎膝側的薦髂關節處幫助做些向對側推的動作, 但以不造成不適為原則。
7.🌹09:01 平躺,置一大腿平貼床面, 小腿懸床外緣(足並未觸地), 另腿則屈膝/屈髖90度, 09:30 足內轉, 以(大腿貼床側的)手置於該手對側屈髖的膝的內側, 保持該髖90度屈曲把膝斜向對肩發力, 與手相向互為拮抗方式出力。
You’re a great teacher!
For anyone suffering SI pain, this really works! I've tried many stretches to release the pain without much success. The specific one I use, where you lay on your stomach and raise your legs, helped me to immediately engage those muscles around the joint. I did this a few times last night and to my surprise the crampy feeling in my joint was gone this morning. Thank you!!!
I love you Jimmy 🎉
I am doing these wonderful exercises only 2 days and it gave more muchmore release from constant pain in SI joint than all physiotherapy!! Greetings from Netherlands!! And thank you so much!!♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Thank you!! My lower back pain creeps up from time to time and it’s been bad lately, even with chiropractic care. This helped a ton!
Idk if I needed this video, but damn does my back feel good. Thanks.
Did a couple of the techniques, now I’m at the hospital.
Thank you so much for this video!!!!
I self release all the time…. never my back though.
Thank you for making these videos! I have found great help and relief in many areas thank to you very easy to follow and perform exercises! I recommend your videos to others as well ! Thank you again!!!
Thank you so much!!. Last year my Right SI joint got injured due to a fall and I ended up needing a Cortisone injection for pain relief. Last week I injured my my left SI Joint. The pain in my left leg, foot and lower spine was so bad, that I could only walk a few meters before having to sit down. I could not get a doctors appointment, so I desperately searched the net for advice and watched your video. I started with Stretch number 5 yesterday and the results are amazing. There will be no need for cortisone injection this time. The pain is much reduced and I can walk much better. I will include your stretches now in my daily routine.