• Although a long time lapse I am so sorry to hear of the dreadful massacre, RIP dear soul. But super that you healed the other . I have brought back to life squirrels, birds and bees with Arnica, and have used homeopathy for all my cats and dogs with success, blessed be x

  • ❤❤❤ such beauties ❤❤❤

  • …Also…you may already know….for Mites (especially on their Feet and legs), Dip their Feet in Heavy Mineral Oil. This will kill and drown the Mites. As the Hens Preen and Itch their Face, Waddles, and Combs, the Heavy Mineral Oil will get/kill the Mites their, and also their Plumage. Your Hens seem so Dear.

  • ….These are Dear Little (Chubby) Hens…I hope No More attacks…Where is their Boyfriend?

  • I rescued some chickens from cock fighting and I used to work for a vet. One got hurt by a dog & I took her to work with me to be helped, and accidentally overheard the vets joking about sending her to Colonel Sanders! C'mon, vets…chickens & roosters are so sweet and deserve to be healed.

  • U can give the credit to your st. John's wart oil… but it was your love that healed her. ❤️

  • I had chickens when I was a girl

  • Lovely video and hugely enjoying the herb course!! Have a great weekend 🥰👍🏻😊

  • Hello Terri 👋, I'm watching lots of your other ones,oh my beautiful gir,s the chickens and so content, I have a few girlie's rescue d rfrom egg farm,my goodness 😀 they really do love their lives and repay is with their beauty and an egg or 2.terri so sweet of you too I love to see all the chickens 🐔 I could watch them for hours he he,.thankyou for showing us all, and take care ,love n blessings, heather .

  • I love chickens. I raised some and one of them got attacked but survived and we nursed her back to health with iodine antiseptic and a lot of love. She then became a true pet who would run into the front yard to greet us when we would get home from work. She passed a way happy a few years later and I will always have a place in my heart for her. RIP Peggy

  • I'm a first time chicken keeper. Mine will be raised the same. When I first brought them home I gave them astragalus, crushed garlic and cider vinegar in their water. They eat the same wheat I grind to make bread and 'real' food. They're so calming and funny. I let them out to run in the yard. They're happy and I can't help but be happy watching them.🙂
    Love and hugs from the US.

  • Delightful to watch!🌀🌳🌀🌳🌀

  • Hi Terrie where can I get some St. John's Wort seeds ? Thanks.

  • Hi Terry, St. Johnsworth oil is indeed useful for both people and animal, i make and use it myself for over 35 years, love from Belgium, Conny 💖

  • I can tell how happy your chickens are by their coats. Such glossy, lush feathers! Beautiful to see and I'm so glad that little henny penny made such a great recovery 💕

  • I’m sorry for the one chicken that was murdered but happy for the 2+1 you still have. We hav something here called a fisher cat. It’s the largest weasel of all. 2 got in to our coop by ripping through a wire mesh door and killed 16 chickens in 1 night. We don’t have chickens anymore.

  • A sad story with a happy ending. Thank goodness for you and St Johns Wort ! I feed feral cats and one showed up terribly biten one night. I used calendula oil and salve and miraculously he healed beautifully. You're right, we can't give up. All of your posts are so very heartwarming, thank you 🙏

  • "We should never give up HOPE", and "Live in the moment", thank you for those pearls of wisdom. ❤

  • bless you for rescuing that hen, both from exploitation and cruelty, and the dog attack! so glad to see they’re happy and healed up. you’re such a massively inspirational and wise woman, thank you for all the knowledge and love you bring to the world!

  • Oh bless her tiny heart, it's heart breaking when this happens. We had this so often with our rescues as our house in the woods had a popular track by it for dog walkers and they would continually get at the hens if they were off their leads. Very selfish owners. It's amazing how resillient these little hens are having been through so much at these dispicable factory farms. I never thought to do this. I made an infusion of comfrey for mine when they were injured and dosed them up on vitamin water and watermelons! No idea if it worked but they seemed to bounce back each time. I did find sprinkling some lavender on their hay at night helped calm them too as they are so scared after attacks like this aren't they. Theycertainly look happy there Terrix

  • Aw I'm sorry this happened to your lovely chickens & what an amazing job you did with healing her 💕. When I kept chickens years ago, I was very lucky to have a vet who took an interest in them. He was willing to treat them if he felt it was appropriate (sometimes there's not much you can do for a poorly hen 😔), he even did an ultrasound on one to see what was causing her to swell up! He didn't charge me & treated it as research! She lived a long life with his care and when the time came he gently put her to sleep for me. Hens make a garden extra special don't they? x

  • Hello found you on video visiting with Collete, I am delighted to connect with another person that loves and respects

    earth mother and all her creatures.Your little darlings are beautiful and thanks for sharing. Much love from Mysti in California. Blessings to you and all your readers.

  • Poor chicken! So wonderful that you could help her. And you are right; we can learn a lot from animals… chickens included 🙂

  • Oh bless them , poor little chickens , so sorry for the loss of one of them . It must make you feel so happy that you have saved the other one .They are so beautiful and look so happy and content in your lovely garden . Oh and your gorgeous dog , so well behaved. Love and blessings to you Terri xxx🌸🌸🌸

  • Good advice from chickens, "live in the moment".

  • What an incredible story, Terri and what beautiful looking birds they are! I know Hypericum is related to St John's wort – can it be used medicinally though? I never come across wild St John's wort.

  • I think it disgusting a Vet should have such an attitude.

  • I’ve had to lock my chickens up when I’m not home as the hawks discovered them I didn’t loose eny that day glad your chicken is better

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