32 comments Achillea millefolium, Agrimonia eupatoria, Berberis vulgaris, best medicinal herbs, Betonica officinalis, calendula, chamomile, Finger Lakes New York, first aid kit, Flock, Flock Finger Lakes, gardening Zone 5, herbal first aid kit, herbal remedies, Homestead, Homesteading, how to homestead, Hypericum perforatum, Matricaria, medicine chest, Monarda fistulosa, multifunctional herbs, outdoor gardening, Stachys officinalis, summer rayne oakes, upstate New York, woundwort, yarrow
For those who have inquired and are interested in the Medicinal Herbal Flow Chart featured in one of our previous videos, we have now made it available for purchase here: http://bit.ly/3Jv0Hyj .
They shadow banned all the black herbalist and now all these white people popping up
herbs for the service of men
Calm down, dear. The point of gardening is for peace of mind.
How do you gargle a root?
Some really good information. However overly long due to much repetition and a lot of unnecessary info. thanks but had to keep fast forwarding to find simple medicinal info,
For gum disease, loose teeth, pyoria do a poultice pack of white oak bark(shredded inner bark) NativeAmerican's used this medicine, moisten with water & pack between gums & lip / cheek. Teeth will tighten right up.Gums will get healthy quickly.
I was noticing that my mulberry's roots are a bright saffron yellow'golden orangey.
Unless there is an Aussie alternative, waste of time
St. John's Wort also interferes with the effects of birth control pills!
I just found your video and I've been telling my family for years that god put everything we need right here, we just gotta go out there and find it. I imagine all the helpful roots and plants etc in the jungles and getting to them is my brick wall. So Thankyou for sharing your knowledge💜🙏💜
Stay away from Vacations, they are Designed to harm us 😤
Thank you.
I want to increase my knowlage about medical herbs, I have yarroe, black liquorice, chamomile, mashmellow. i am justy dipping my toes into medical herbs.
Hypericum will take out Tetanus in full blown spine collapse, homeopathic or tea aka St. John's wort . We saw it , when a 4 yr old boy spine collapsed with tetanus and the hospital said he would die, gave him homeopathic Hypericum and in 20 minutes he was up running around… The power of plants will set us free!! Awesome video, just started watching you THANK YOU and BLESSINGS!!
Lots of information, thankyou. Would be great to have time stamps_ 🙏🏻💚
The real reason why I watched your video from start to finish is, you are phenomenally gorgeous and have a sweet melodious voice …
You put the "her" in "bs"..
Dandelion & burdock ~we used to drink that when i was young. It was a favourite for most children. You could buy it as a fizzy drink, then take the bottle back and get your sixpence. We used to make elderflower champagne too & rosehip syrup for winter colds
Hibiscus tea
The US isn't interested in proving natural medicine works because they can't patent it. No patent? No obscenely high profits. They aren't interested.
Do you have any good links for where to get any seeds or roots?
Head shops used to sell goldenseal to pass drug test.
Your knowledge of these medicinal benefiting plants is my goal. I feel like I'm just scratching the surface 🪻🙌thank you
Thanks for the heads up,. 🙂
Do you have suggestions for plants and herbs that can be grown in Alaska?and what they could be used for? I'm looking for natural remedies for things like rosacea,cortisol levels,infections,cold and flu prevention(right now I'm using honey turmeric ginger and vanilla..which works well to prevent some things like miner infections and cold/flu. Also,suggestions for books that will teach someone very new to using plants and other natural remedies? Thank you for this video
Interesting fact, in Botany, "Invasive" means "Not Native". Also… For decades, and still all states have programs that spray poison on these natural, healthy and abundant plants instead of educating and encouraging the public to forage. This has got to stop. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and leading the way. Love and respect. Peace
Misfunctional medical heads. That is what I thought your thumbnail said. Rated I just woke up. But the things that look like heads in jars didn't help.😂
I will keep thanking Dr Agboya herbal home for helping me get rid of my Herpes virus with his herbal medication and now I'm cured completely
Another great value is Everwilde Farms for seeds
thank you friends, the content is very educational and very useful, especially related to health, I really like it, always successful and healthy friends, greetings from me, Indonesian,❤❤❤❤❤❤