6 Best Food for Erectile Dysfunction
25 comments 6 Best Food for Erectile Dysfunction, best food for erectile dysfunction, best food for erectile dysfunction in hindi, ed problem treatment, Erectile Dysfunction, erectile dysfunction exercises, erectile dysfunction foods, erectile dysfunction treatment, erection problem, Food for Erectile Dysfunction, food for sexuality increase, foods for erectile dysfunction, good food for sexuality, how to improve erectile dysfunction, penis blood flow, penis dysfunction, penis erection, penis food, sex food for men, strong penis
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Thank You!!! Good Video!!!
sir, next day after masturbation, my penis is not getting hard … i am afraid i have erectile problem sir i cant concentrate on my studies sir replay😊 i am 19 years old
Spanich vegetable
Pistachio nut
Dark chocolate
Tomatoes and grape fruits
Olivia oils
Any suppplement recommendations? I started Maca supplement two days ago my erections have been very strong in morning. Idk if placebo or it’s already taking effect I was hard for a long time with morning wood actually started to worry me a little haha
0:23 watermelon surely works/worked for me. I said worked because, older i am getting less effect it has. however, I have been having the same amount of watermelon like i used to much younger. I am sure if I increase my intake it could have more of an immediate effect.
BS Black men don't get limp
1. Watermelon
2. Leafy greens and beets (spinach celery etc
3. Pistachios
4. Dark chocolate
5. Oysters and shell fish
6. Tomatoes
@drgboya is changing allot of people life thank God I came across him am happy and fulfilled 😅……
Yoga, exercise, high-intensity training, lifting – basically your body must be fit to have sexual intercourse. In order to fertilize women, only good genes must be passed. Your body thinks that way: you are not in good physical condition do not pass genes and have no erection. Food, supplements & vitamins are rather secondary and I did not notice much difference. Also maintaining a normal weight and normal blood pressure is necessary.
Watermelon and fatty seafood and meat
What are 6 food
Ive not been able to mentain an erection,I've tried on different herbal recourses and meds but non didn't show a sign that I would be better,I thought I was having an testosterone disorder,thanks to Doctor osaye's herbal concoction that brought me this far©
nice voice, very hard voice😁🤣
Thanks for sharing
Great video ☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️
Watermelons, chocolate, 👍👍👍
Watermelons, chocolate, and oysters for sure. Had experience.
Except for the watermelon I do all of this things and instead of oysters I take a zinc supplement it does work but you have to be careful not to take too much I bought 50 mg tablets and I had to cut them in half because my vitamin supplement already has 11 mg plus some of the foods I eat also contain zinc, it is recommended not to take more than 40 mg per day, so if you have 50 mg tablets and you noticed some negative side effects, you might be taking too much but it does increase sexual appetite to the point that you can have a strong sexual performance every other day time after time and that's great because I'm already 62 years old and before I started taking a zinc supplement I felt that I performed better if I only had sex 2 days a week because it was hard to achieve a solid erection every other day, so all my body needs now is one day break and I'm ready to go again, fermented beets, avocados, onions and smoothies with leafy greens and blueberries are also part of my diet also at least 3 eggs per day or more pasture raised or organic avoid regular gmo eggs.
The Rhino Pill from your local gas station ⛽️ or 7-11 🦏💊
Very nice
Erectile Dysfunction? 3 Foods You Should Avoid – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8PO24Mw64SM