Woman's Incredible Backyard Homestead Produces TONS of Food for Her Family – URBAN GARDEN TOUR
49 comments 2023, apples, Asia Spratley, backyard, backyard chickens, backyard garden, backyard homestead, bag, bed, block, can, cattle panel, cinder, City, compost, container, documentary, dry, eggs, Exploring Alternatives, food, freeze, Fresh, fruit, Garden, gardening, greenhouse, growing, growing food, harvest, hens, herbs, Homestead, in the city, laying, meat, micro, no dig, orchard, peaches, preserve, quail, rainwater, raised beds, small, space, story, trellis, urban, urban homestead, vegetables, yard, Yellow Door Urban Homestead
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your insta doesn't seem to be working
hi, you're doing a great job. I see you have a small space in your backyard. A little suggestion will be to try getting vertical farm equipment (hydroponics) to grow more.
Hello, do you have any seeds to sell?
I"m on a mission to do this next season. Thanks, I sort of like the planting bags. Great garden! I use to help my grandma do her garding, but I forgot a lot!
Thank you for sharing your knowledge, and this gorgeous garden!
I love in the country now but sister I remember starting out on an apartment balcony ♡ your garden is beautiful:) you can tell you love what you do! Check out the video of canning tomatoes on cookie sheet,no water bath and videos of frigerator pickles 😋
Beautiful and blessings too your family and blessings too love you and you look 👀 like a teenager 🎉. Fabulous!!! . Please let your light shine and keep your joy. Yum yummy yummy. Thank you for your help and care too share with everyone. 🎉🎉🎉
I’m blown away. I’ve been gardening for a long time and I don’t have a garden as amazing as you’ve done in 3 yrs wow
Amazing you did the best, you deserve a prize for best homestead🙏🙏🙏🙏💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞
I was wondering what state you are growing year round in. Thank you!
I love your garden. Amazing!
You are 'AMAZING'…I have listened to a Rythm and Blues hit, one line of the lyrics, you are everything I would have liked to have been. The fact you grow a tremendous amount of vegetables and fruit in the backyard in an urban city is fantastic. I have watched this video several times prior to exploring your own personal YouTube channel. The fact you expressed you are still learning to preserve by canning and getting to know more about using herbs you grow for medicinal reasons is fantastic. I saw in this video you freeze as well as dry what your hands grow, is marvelous. I have major life obstacles that prohibit for me however you are truly inspiring. If I actually wore a hat I would take it off, 'hooray for the chickens.
You are a great gardener. I wish I could be 1% as good as you.
I see you have a comfortable life. I like it very much.
I like your video…hihi
I have my own urban garden and experiment each year with new plants to see what works well. Like she says on the video it takes a bit of trial and era but once you get it right it can work.
I would personally advise to start with potatoes, beetroot and carrots. Maybe some herbs.
You need to be on a garden show! You're Not playin😮
😂😂😂😂😂❤❤❤❤❤❤YOU GO GIRL!!!!
Very skilled lady!! 👍👍
this is an amazing video. thank you for sharing your story.. your smile is contagious! beautiful garden!!
This is awesome. I love her little accent as well. This warmed my heart for sure. I love to see so much creativity no matter what constraints she has with her space. Also loved that she is content and not seeking a huge space! So much wisdom in this video.
Top garden girl you have done an amazing job.
There are plenty of video's on the net about canning and how to do it , just do some research on the topic and pick the video's that make sense to you.
I'm a subscriber to here channel you do an amazing job in your garden ❤❤.
Awesome nice garden.
I have a one acre little farm and sometimes I lose inspiration and momentum. This woman just gave it back to me. So charming and beautiful.
This woman is wonderful and beautiful. Brava!
Do you have trouble with squirrels?
Good morning friend Nimol Cambodia 🇰🇭
Love this video. I am amazed at how many veggies and fruit you crammed into such a small space. It just shows now matter how small of a space you have you can grow an abundance of wonderful healthy food. I can’t wait to see more of your videos.
Wow , sowing and planting all year round.Great .I live in Belgium.This means sowing indoors in March and everything is almost finished at the end of October. Here you need a large freezer.
Beautiful garden Asia, Thank you so much for the tour… you’re amazing!❤
She is radiating beauty. That garden is immaculate. I need this back in my life!!!! My grandparents were the ones who did this but on a much much larger scale. I want her size garden. !!!
size of plot?
The scary thing that will happen more people will grow their food and the seed cost will go up 😢
Great garden! Keep up the good work!
Blessings, where do you get organic seeds from?
That's a beautiful kitchen garden you have there. Love it. Would love to sit in it and enjoy the little bees, butterflies, birds, etc and the full moon nights smoking a joint and drinking some wine. Strum the guitar for the plants.
Beautiful, fruitful garden.
So inspiring and motivating. Made me look around and notice the lots of things we take for granted.
You are an inspiration. ❤❤
Hi babes ur Very impressive in your garden. Where do you live.??
This lady is totally awesome
you are amazing!!
Good evening, im Elizabeth Dukes from Cocoa Fla, I’ve been following you for a long time, I just wanted to say that you’re amazing you know all the names of planets, any other words you know your stuff, beautiful to as well, i also love to see plants 🌱 grow You bad, ❤ ya & stay blessed