Will Prevagen really improve memory and brain function?
Prevagen ads promise improved brain health and memory. Does it deliver?
Being someone who has always been interested in enhancing cognitive abilities, I decided to give Prevagen a shot. With its claims of improving memory and brain function, I was excited to see if this supplement could truly live up to its promises.
After using Prevagen for a few months, I can confidently say that it has made a noticeable difference in my mental clarity and ability to remember things. While it may not be a magical solution, it has definitely contributed to my overall cognitive well-being.
What impressed me about Prevagen is its unique ingredient, apoaequorin, derived from jellyfish, which is said to support healthier brain function. At first, I was skeptical, but as I continued using it, I gradually noticed its effects becoming more apparent.
While taking Prevagen, I experienced improved focus and concentration, allowing me to be more efficient in completing tasks. I also noticed a significant improvement in my short-term memory, which was previously a weak point for me. Remembering names, dates, and important details became less challenging, giving me a newfound sense of confidence.
It is important to remember that individual results may vary, and Prevagen may not work for everyone. However, based on my personal experience, I believe it is worth trying for those looking to improve their cognitive abilities.
One thing that sets Prevagen apart from other memory supplements is its safety profile. I did not experience any negative side effects while using it, which was reassuring. Nevertheless, it is always advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before adding any new supplement to your routine.
In conclusion, Prevagen has proven to be a valuable addition to my daily routine. It has undeniably improved my memory, focus, and overall brain function. While it may not provide instant miracles, with consistent use, Prevagen has the potential to unlock your cognitive abilities and support a healthier brain.
Skip. Self-serving crapola. There is a reason the FDA charged the idiots with false advertising by claiming "clinically proven" that do not exist. P.S. Dr. Kitchin is yet another graduate of The University of "when-you're-on-tv-wave -your-hands-around-a-lot."
All the millions this company has cheated people out of. Disgusting. Pharmacies approve it because it is a big money maker and they are out to make money
I’m afraid to take it. I see the ads and I see Americas dorkiest folks and I certainly look that dopey.
snake oil
I feel a lot better ,able to sleep ,in the morning when l awake l feel rested and better to cope ,my brain functions well less confusion
Snake oil salesman have reemerged.
whatever happened to unbiased independent verification ..doest the fda have a lab
ive taken it …couldnt stay away from the ocean…helped my swimming lots
No. Does nothing. Total scam.
You would think that we could in fact tell if our memory is better. Pretty sure you are full of it.
Did a memory test before prevagen. Took prevagen for 4 months. Did same test after. Result, 0 improvement.
well received thanks Doc. just wanted to know
I like this product
Work for me
I feel great
My memory is much
Better feel supet
You might as well eat some high end candy, bottom line its BULLSHIT. Don't believe me ask a real expert here https://youtu.be/PwgCJm8WK58 TheReaper!
It hurt my mom, when do those pushing the lies hang like ornaments and late term their kids?
Very expensive for the target age group and totally worthless. Been on it a year and Im through.
Read the disclaimer at the end of the commercial where is says the FDA
has not evaluated the statements made by the participants. Now if I sold
snake oil on the corner and said it would improve your memory I would
be arrested for fraud
Whole Food plant-based diet, Light exercise , walking and minimize stress is the best medicine in the world! Supplements and pharmaceutical drugs are a business…
I guess only men have bad memories
Prevagen says it is "pharmacist approved." What the hell do pharmacists know about neurology? Prevagen smells to high heaven
Prevagen-more garbage than FBI driving it's trash trucks.
She said if it works for you then it is anecdotal and not evidence of it working. But if it doesn't work, that's proof it doesn't work.
Amazing product. I love it. It works for me.
It is very expensive, about $41 for only 30 capsules, and medical insurance DOESN'T cover it. That's because our country is STILL run by right-wing fascists.
What is in jellyfish that will improve memory???Snake oil😀😀😀I stopped eating snail because it makes make run slow😀😀😀
4 minutes off blabing and didn't answer the fucking question. Gave us a lesson in ftc judicial workings and completely wasted our time. But then she took the time to show her vanity of making her own YouTube channel to show the time she was on TV. WTF
It seems to help me. My memory is better. Not going to impress others, but it impressed me. I have been disappointed by other things but prevagen helped.
I can only speak personally, but I can tell a definite difference in my memory regarding names since taking it. I also have better short term memory.
Can it cure depression?
It’s a violation of the Truth in Advertising Law.