This 💪🏿POWERFUL (Wild-Grown) Plant🌿 fights 👊🏿HYPERTENSION & DIABETES! 🇯🇲 #herbal #dandelion
25 comments anlgesic herb, anti-inflamatory herb, best herbs for hypertension, cassia occidentalis, cassia occidentalis common name, diuretic herb, Does coffee grow wild?, Herbs For Diabetes, How to make Jamaican dandelion tea?, Is Cassia occidentalis edible?, jamaican dandelion, laxative herb, What are the benefits of wild coffee?, What are the side effects of taking dandelion?, What does Jamaican dandelion look like?, What is Jamaican dandelion good for?, who should avoid dandelion
Is there a health benefit of the brazilian red clock or scientific name megaskepasma erythroclamys. Dont know why my mind is telling me its good for something but here on youtube everyone is just have it as a flower or Garden plant.
My us as a tea to help with kidney stone
Does it affect the liver?
Great I just love my God given healing herbs
Hey, brother! Quick question – do they have 'longevity spinach' in Jamaica? If they do, it would be awesome to see some with you highlighting its numerous health benefits.
The root is very good to boil and drink and you have the other type the fat pod one and the seed is a little bigger drink it with blackpepper put the black pepper in the dandelion powder the dandelion is good for your kidney
Good to know these things
I ate it raw to heal a bladder infection I once had!
Very informative
Can you do a video on herbs for sinusitis. Thank s.
Blessings how can I reach you ❤
I love herbal medicines and I use them often. However, it's important to know how to use them in terms of dosages, frequency, and also the contraindications. There should be a scientific body in Jamaica that publishes research findings on these plants. There is a tremendous need for naturopathic doctors and trained herbalists to advise patients on the proper use of these herbs. Otherwise some of these herbs can cause serious injuries and and even worse.
good night, it's not bitter?
❤❤❤❤❤❤❤Thank You!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
❤Thank You! ❤🎉
My husband and I blend dandelion and it gives us diarrhea
Does the tea from the powder have a bitter taste?
How do you get in the uk?
I'm anticipating you Man Emmanuel from Tanzania (Africa) be blessed so much!
How can I get some
That's dandelion
Today I learn something I did not know I presently have hundreds of Jamaican dandelion in my back yard and I kept pulling them out due to the amount I am aware of dandelion use but never know it could be eaten
Ma’am you have black beautiful healthy looking hair!!! Most are well grey 😊
the herb promo up up Lol