The Fascinating World of Tropical Medical Plants
Step into the captivating realm of tropical medical plants. In this article, we explore the characteristics and benefits of two noteworthy plants – the Piper Nigrum, commonly known as black pepper, and the He Coto, also known as the Calabash Gourd Tree. These plants have played significant roles in human history and continue to be valued for their medicinal properties. Let’s delve into their intriguing qualities and the ways they have shaped our lives.
The Piper Nigrum – A Spice with a Rich History:
One cannot deny the ubiquitous presence of black pepper on tables worldwide. This spice, derived from the Piper Nigrum plant, has been a staple in culinary traditions for centuries. Beyond its culinary uses, black pepper holds a special place in the world of medicinal plants. Its flower spikes, resembling beautiful floral arrangements, give way to the peppercorns we know and love. Native to tropical India, black pepper’s spicy nature stimulates blood circulation and aids digestion. It has been revered in Ayurvedic medicine for its ability to catalyze and enhance the effectiveness of other plants. Interestingly, in Thailand, herbalists have even discovered the benefits of black pepper that has traversed the digestive tract of birds. Talk about thinking outside the box!
The He Coto – Nature’s Gift:
Now, let’s shift our focus to the He Coto, a splendid tree known for its various common names, including the Calabash Gourd Tree and Bored Tree. Rejoice in the marvel of this magnificent tree, adorned with lush epiphytes, mosses, and more. Its leaves gracefully sprout from the trunk, creating a sight to behold. Native to the Americas, the He Coto boasts versatile uses. Indigenous communities in Costa Rica, for instance, cherish its large fruits, which can be carved into beautiful vessels for eating and drinking. Not only are these vessels aesthetically pleasing, but the seeds within also offer nutritional benefits. Furthermore, the leaves of the He Coto are employed as a soothing wash for various female health concerns.
Tropical Medical Plants – Guardians of Health:
Black pepper and the He Coto exemplify the wonders of tropical medical plants. Their rich histories and diverse applications demonstrate the profound impact of these botanical treasures on human well-being. From enhancing digestion to easing muscle pain and addressing reproductive disorders, these plants have left an indelible mark on our lives. While black pepper tantalizes our taste buds, the He Coto stands tall as a symbol of nature’s healing power.
As we conclude our exploration of tropical medical plants, we are left in awe of the incredible gifts they offer. Black pepper, with its fiery flavor and catalytic properties, and the He Coto, with its majestic presence and versatile applications, remind us of the vast potential of nature’s pharmacy. Let us continue to appreciate and harness the power of these plants, ensuring a healthier future for all.
Cempedak is originated from Indonesia
Its your reality beautiful video 👌👌👌
Fresh cocoa, wow!🦋
Fabulous video!
Lisa is pretty. I would love to know her ethnic background
Beautiful film and profound content from Sarah Wu !
I like her. I want a younger version.
bro bring her to florida
she is filled with knowledge
Lemon and water for the banana heart as well.
She is emaciated.
Looks exhausted.
Cempedak is the better version of jackfruit. And up there with durian. Remove the cempedak seed and fry in a light crispy type batter, like you would with bananas and thin slices of sweet potatoes.
What a beautiful woman
She looks very sick
She is weak, sick and infertile,
she should do something about her own health, this anti human vegan
I think that the smaller native cocoa relative is actually T speciosum, not T cacao. I could be wrong, but T spesiosum is the only Theobroma species that is small and looks just like cacao.
Is she vegan or fruitarian?
It bugs me that she was pointing to male flowers on a banana flower and said they can get pollinated and turn into a fruit which isn't true. Makes me skeptical on her knowledge when she doesn't know about just a basic herb.
Love the Ayahuasca I'm growing yellow and red hopefully mine do as good as those
Best way to cook breadfruit is cook over fire till it gets black, then cook in coconut milk with nutritional yeast and spices. I used noni to get rid of ukus( lice) but not by boiling the leaves. First time I’ve heard that. I got a very ripe noni and put da ripe fruit on my hair left it on for awhile then washed it out. Boy does it stink.
Best way to cook breadfruit when it’s green is cook it over a fire till it’s gets black. Then cook with coconut milk and nutritional yeast and spices
Pete, I can’t stop watching these videos! Very calming, informative and addictive! I live in East Bay, CA we have great weather but there’s no room for a food forest. Please keep making these quality videos! Thanks Pete! 👍
Wow… Awesome…. Sarah can talk for hours…. I promise I will absorb every word…. I hope there will be a visit again in near future. 😁
We have species relatives of this magic vine in Fla . I love how she acknowledges the friendship that Are between us and the plant world and that is more powerful than you know . Trees and plants are living things with a sense of being and know we're near them and probably want to communicate with us as we do them .
The flame bush she's talking about is if I'm not incorrect is a Firebush as we have in Florida the same leaf and bloom ,
She's just so knowledgable it's amazing. And Pete, great job with the editing, cinematography and music selection.
If someone was starving they might eats seeds in bird poop that were washed. Personally not a fan of pepper.
Here in philippines we call the banana flower the heart of the banana:) we cook it stir fry or boil it then we put coconut milk, a lil vinegar, onion, spring onion, tomato garlic and ginger. It taste really good:)
People like to Look through windows rather than walk through doors …. that is spot on and beautifully put
Looking through the window and walking through the door is the decision we all need to make. I say f windows and bill gates!!
Wow eat some protein, fruit is good but you guys are fading away
She's in love with the ayahuasca plant. Pretty obvious she has more than just a superficial botanical knowledge of these plants particularly when she was talking about the universal spirit.
What's that flower at the beginning of the video. Thing is mindblowing
Is she a herbalist or a naturopath?
Whats this music
shes weird
You look skinny, may be you have a worm problem, I intro YouTube at MRT Elken Concepts, do some clean up with Lactose S, Spirilina, IG6 colostrum etc etc. At