Reverse Erectile Dysfunction WITHOUT pills or surgery! The Game Changers ED cure!


  • Getting bjs help prevent ED too 😂💯

  • Did not mention damage to veins where the "valves" do not work. Even with adequate blood flow, if the veins are shot, erectins don't happen. I want to know how to repair that if it's possible.

  • A part of me thinks that you are full of crap.

    First off giving men a taco shell (which is full of processed flour, and thus starch) while also feeding them animal protein is linked to dramatic increases in insulin levels. Insulin levels higher than either the taco shell, or the meat alone could have produced. This end ketosis, and creates a biased result, which favors the vegan taco. This can also lead to insulin resistance, and do you know what Diabetics suffer from more regularly? Obesity, Heart Disease, Stroke, and a plethora of other conditions.

    Why should I trust a study you haven't bothered to link? Maybe because the study doesn't describe a mechanism for why the body "allegedly" reacts the way you claim it does. I ate this so called plant based diet, and did not see any noticeable improvement in my own health. In fact my health got worse, because I don't have enough time to cook, ferment and otherwise prepare these whole food vegetable meals being pushed by corporations and governments alike.

    Not to mention, it all spoils so quickly, that I nearly went bankrupt trying to keep up. These foods are low in calories, and have high levels of goitrogens that interfere with my bodies ability to absorb my thyroid medication. Yet you stand on your soap box claiming that every single person must eat a 100% plant based diet, with little more than a study that shows eating whole foods is better than eating processed crap sold to us by mega food corporations.

    Most of the foods you and vegans are saying we have to consume to survive, didn't even exist on this planet 3,000 years ago, and many were not introduced to European cuisine until the middle of the 1500's.

    Vegans, Doctors, and you are asking for something that is completely impossible, and possible dangerous as many of the whole plant foods the diets recommend eating trigger insulin spikes, and lead to insulin resistance. Maybe the actual problem is the consumption of Proteins and Fats within 2 hours of consuming Carbohydrates.

    I've seen fat vegans, who have believed the lies of mainstream veganism never achieve their weight loss goals. Mostly because the consumption of Proteins and Sugars together, triggers the animal part of our brain that tells us to consume as much as is available to prepare for the coming time of famine. All western food is a combination of Fats and Sugars. Bread is one of the worst offenders, and it is recommended in a vegan or vegetarian diet.

    Obesity and inactivity causes heart disease, and the easiest way to gain weight and become obese is to eat Carbohydrates and proteins together. Namely on Vegetarian Pizza, Vegetarian Hamburgers, and Vegetarian Oreo Cookies. This is exactly what stress and time depleted Americans are going to gravitate to, when you make it morally wrong to eat whole foods like meat and fish.

    Processed foods containing carbohydrates and protein are the enemy. These are made by the corporations that pretend to feed us.

    Your claims are insufficient to justify trying to eat a challenging to prepare whole foods diet made entirely from plants, when ketosis and fasting seems to work better for many people than this preparation intense diet. Plenty of people have survived to the ripe old age of 100+ eating an egg for breakfast every day, and the diseases of modern life didn't seem to occur in the west until we replaced 80% of foods in grocery stores and restaurants with highly processed junk that contain protein and carbohydrates.

  • Ill give u the thumb just for the joke!

  • I’m on my 4th week
    1 pound of spinach and a gallon of w
    Water a day

    No improvements

  • Yep thanks for this, I tried what I read the other day and it was mind blowing to see her writhing with pleasure and ready for anything. It started when I learned to last at least 30 minutes go’ogling the latest in Greyzar Drinbo's PE Solution and now she just can't have enough

  • Yep thanks for this, I tried what I read the other day and it was mind blowing to see her writhing with pleasure and ready for anything. It started when I learned to last at least 30 minutes go’ogling the latest in Greyzar Drinbo's PE Solution and now she just can't have enough

  • Animals fats have been proven not to be the problem many years ago,, modern day seed oils & highly processed foods are the real problem which needs to be addressed

  • And you got it is unnatural for humans to eat plant only based diets.

  • How to be consistent when eating a plant based diet

  • Hello, i visit your channel and i seen your channel is very old do you want to grow your channel??

  • Wouldn't you mention herbs from Dr emuakhe from Africa as an alternative to increasing length and girth of the penis, since it seems to be the safest and most promising way of the enlargement of the penis?..

  • Great herbalist like you are rare to find dr gboya thank you for being there for me doc. am free from ED Keep up the good work🥰.

  • Hey Doc, my penis doesnt seem to get fully hard unless I tighten my pelvic muscle, then it grows in size by like 1cm and the head fully inflates, I guess this is ED?

  • Indeed, this, an ED treatment is really good. This can assist you deal with your bedroom problems. Having found this medication made me cheerful. I`ve resolved my dilemma, good results. Getting a great experience every evening I employ this helpful manual.

  • It`s truly a great ED treatment plan to get over a few of your issues in the bedroom. Having found this treatment method made me delighted. I`ve fixed my problem, good results. This educational and beneficial manual gets me excited each night.

  • It`s truly a great ED treatment method to overcome a few of your problems in the bedroom. Having found this treatment solution made me cheerful. I have solved my dilemma, good results. This informative and beneficial manual gets me thrilled every night.

  • What about 70 yrs, 70 percent and so on?

  • He promised that if I could believe in his medicine I would get cured,I didn’t bother about the expense but paid for the medicine, I will recommend that #Drosaye has a permanent cure for erectile dysfunction…..

  • LOL, until recently I hadn't realized that Mario updated his favorite way to tackle ED and it's a relief! Although what he previously suggested was pretty good, it was a real pain to follow… go'ogle Mario's Thunderous Erections, you'll see why it's so much easier and potent now!

  • Doesn't make sense if humans eat meat by nature?

  • Dr osaye has been making changes, and he just brought a product that permanently cured my erectile dysfunction, and I will advise he is just the right source you have been looking for,well I will just say that these sicknesses must be cured one day and that day has come…..

  • #driyaremoses Herbs and body cleanser cured me permanently from hyperthyroidism with in 3weeks.

  • Bless you dr Ogie keep on the good work you have been doing and thanks also for curing me off this erectile dysfunction disease you are truly a God sent towards humanity I appreciate you sir dr Ogie🤗🤗

  • Bless you dr Ogie keep on the good work you have been doing and thanks also for curing me off this erectile dysfunction disease you are truly a God sent towards humanity I appreciate you sir dr Ogie🤗🤗

  • Testifying about Dr Ogie Herbal home on YouTube is the great joy I have ever had in a while because, this man transformed my life In all ramification. Thanks doctor for putting an end to my erectile dysfunction and putting a smile on my face again Thanks doc 🙏🙏

  • Testifying about Dr Ogie Herbal home on YouTube is the great joy I have ever had in a while because, this man transformed my life In all ramification. Thanks doctor for putting an end to my erectile dysfunction and putting a smile on my face again Thanks doc 🙏🙏

  • Home that was teared apart because of erectile dysfunction has been restored back with joy, peace and harmony. Thank you dr ogie on youtube for vidcating my home i am finally free from hiv l will forever spread your good name ,,,,,,🤩🤩

  • Home that was teared apart because of erectile dysfunction has been restored back with joy, peace and harmony. Thank you dr ogie on youtube for vidcating my home i am finally free from hiv l will forever spread your good name ,,,,,,🤩🤩

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