Magical Home Remedy To Treat Melasma, Dark Spot and Pigmentation
Melasma/dark spots Treatment | Pigmentation |DIY Face Pack to treat Pigmentation Melasma,dark spots
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get rid of pigmentation Melasma dark spots
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Liquorice + orange peel Powder + milk… Best remedy for pigmentation. I have been using for the last one year. Visible results. മലയാളി 💪
Thank you so much for amazing remedy Dr.
Thankyou 🙏
Is it helpful for lightening confidential areas for pcod individuals
I have started to apply on face but no black spot going
Dr wer can i buy licorice powder? Pls Help
They'r is no remedy for melasma….allways return with thé sun
Hello,my daughter is 12 year old.her face is become very tan and neck also.can u suggest some remidies
Thank you always blessings from Canada
I was Afraid to Ordered the herbal medication for melasma, Now I understand that only herbal medication can cure such illnesses, i start seeing changes on time skin at the 2nd week of using the medication, it took me 1 month before the patches were gone completely.
Wassup, nice video Though, Am from The United state, i just want to recommend Dr Iyhere on YouTube to anyone that's ill of Melasma. I used his herbal medication and it worked on me.
My Name is Godwin from Australia, I want to say a big thank you to #DoctorIyhere on YouTube, With his herbal medication i got cured from Melasma, the herbal medications worked well and as I am writing this Testimony now, There's no single white or black patches on my Face and skin
I promised #DrIyhere that after i got cured from Black patches on my skin that am gonna tell everyone about it, and to my greatest surprise the Medication worked, although it took 6 Months to get cured, I recommend Doctor Iyhere on anyone that have Melasma on Their Skin
My condition was critical and I could not go to work, I was rejected and i felt Depressed till I came across Doctor Iyhere YouTube Channel and I contacted him. I ordered the herbal medication and it cured me completely and permanently.
Dr in bahrein no more raw milk
After using ur remedy my skin became fair but there's no change in melasma…'s getting more dark…..kindly advice nd do rly bcoz v trust ur treatment nd follow nd when there is any issue as a doctor it wl b very kind of u to reply bk our query…
Plzz do rly sir
Can we use any other cream instead of vitamin c serum
Can we use left over rice milk for the next day or shud make fresh one everyday
The color u showed in the video is light peach but i got a different color which is brown now I'm confused tht I'm using crct powder or not
This truely works… I hav been applying as per the proceedures u said… Truely helfull. Thank u soo much Vivek..
I have started using this… It's been a drastic changes on my faces and plez can follow this procedure… Truly helpful.. Thank u soo much…Vivek.
Doctor ni have very sensitive skin .for facial hair i cannot thread, or wax. I come up with huge lumps on my face how do i clean the facial hair on my face. D Naik South Africa.
Doctor you are so good. Please can you talk through the bladder uncomfortable as you get older .I will leaving by plane to overseas . The toilets will be a problem . How can I take of my bladder while travelling . It's a 17 hrs journey.
Thank you doctor . D Naik from South Africa.
Sir plz guide for nose freckles plzzz
Thankyou soooooooo much Dr
My original skin started getting skin tags. I thought I would put some sanitizer on them to dissolve them. Instead the began to grow instead. Also a deficiency of zinc in the body as apparently is the reason for the skin tags.
Thank you ! What is the substitute for Vit C serum ? Don't know where to get Vit C serum
where to find mulethi?
Doctor can you please suggest which brand of vitamin c serum is good
I love your videos! I will try this too. Is this more effective than potato paste?
Please can you explain how to make the potato paste? Should the potato be cooked first? I tried chopping up a raw potato but it didn't become a paste.
Tq sir
Is the rice raw or is it cooked?
How to use vitamin c serum?
My face is really not ok. I can't go out without makeup
I need help ooo
in the case of melasma there is only one magic cream has ever created and that is tretnoin and very good sunscreen during the day no homemade remedy can go melasma it's been 3 years since i struggled with this problem consume omega 3 and topically apply tretnoin 0.5 for better and faster results except from this there is no remedy is a available on this planet earth m saying with the experience not promoting any product
Open pores ki best remedy cheppandi sir plz
Kya such mah es se kuch frk padega
Iam using this for 20 days no results
How many days it takes to remove pigmentation plzz reply
How many days it takes to remove pigmentation
Pragnant ladies use to this remedy?