How to safely remove EAR WAX at home using a bulb syringe | Doctor O'Donovan explains!
Dr O’Donovan takes you through a step-by-step guide on how to safely wash out the ear and clear impacted ear wax using a bulb syringe.
For further information on ear wax build up, prevention and clearance and the use of a bulb syringe please consult the following resources:
Medi Grade products used in this video:
Ear Bulb Syringe:
Olive Oil Ear Drops:
Sodium Bicarbonate Ear Drops:
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The video is intended as an educational resource only. The information within this video or on this channel isn’t designed to replace professional input, so if you have any medical issues please consult a medical provider. No professional relationship is being created by watching this video. Dr. O’Donovan cannot give any individual medical advice. All information should be verified for accuracy by the individual user. Dr O’Donovan accepts no responsibility for individual interpretation of data, although it is always accurate to the best of his knowledge at the time of the video being published.
I followed the instructions yesterday, but didn't wait 10 minutes for the solution to marinate in my ear. I tried again today, tilting the head sideways on the pillow, and waited 10 minutes. I kept squirting warm water into my ear until I heard a soaking sound. Repeating the water squirting definitely helped!! So glad I came across this video!!
This used to work for me until I developed ear infections. My ENT consultant now advised against introducing water.
Thank you so much! I wasn't getting a good amount of wax out, your tip to open the ear while squirting the bulb helped so much!
I have had many ear tube surgeries. Do I need to do anything differently?
Ain't using tap water more likealike will create a ear infection qnd possibly a brain infection ?
My right ear is producing brown smelly wax. The smell is a yeasty stagnant smell. I had an infection a few weeks ago and was put on antibiotics. After the course I extracted black looking wax from my ear. Since then I kept getting a horrible wiff in my nose now and again. I found it was coming from ear ear where the brown wax is now.
That bulb is that chicks favorite butt plug! 😮
John cena is doing something
Years of teachers telling you to clean your ears but not telling you how to clean them aside from Qtips
if anyone can help me, I have an issue with the right ear. I keep hearing buzzing sounds coming from my ears and it's making it hard for me to sleep, what can I do to fix it?
I dont agree with how she's applying the water. Turn your ear DOWN TO THE EARTH over the sink as you spray up into it, gravity will help clear it.
just fyi for anyone who shows up here: olive oil does nothing to break up ear wax. it's been tested numerous times, and even if you put ear wax in a jar full of olive oil, it does nothing to the wax. sodium bicarbonate dissolves ear wax however. that's the way to go. buy products designed for ear wax removal 👍🏻
All the bulb did was shove the ear wax further up their.
Hello, can i have an advice for preventing earwax blockage? and infections in the ear? if so thanks!
Thank u sir for this helpful info/step by step procedure that u share god bless you.
Sending love all the way from philippines.
My right ear feels packed and a little painful. I have blocked sinuses too plus a tension headache. Im enduring this everyday and I can't wait to relieve myself of this constant disturbance. Happy to see this tutorial video.
My doctor won't do anything about it. When I was younger my old doctor said I suffered from glue ear and I had a gromit put in the left one. According to my doctor, the reason I can't hear is cus of wax and both ears are the same however I can hear perfectly fine out of my left ear and no matter how many times I try to tell him that my right ear is really muffled he just says it's the wax😢
Cough up 100-200 dollars and go to your ENT and let him take care of it, believe me money well spent
Many thanks; it would be a great help to treat my father 107, suffering hearing loss and he does not want to go to a clinic for being least mobility and weakness
she didn't read the instructions
You squeeze the water in, put your ear over the sink and nod your head to get the water out?
Forget going to your doctor.
The NHS can't afford to do this any more.
They send you to someone who will charge at least £50
Me listening to this with one ear:
This video is like the earwax removal addicts version of edging.. lame
I blasted the bulb on accident and chunks of earwax came out. My hearing improved significantly.
I did it and my hearing is 100% better >> thank u sooo much sir..blessings 2u
The video keep saying at home these are over the counter product at home to me is using what you have at home
Thank you doc. Will give it a go.
This doesn’t work. Useless af. The wax is too hard and too deep. Even the doctors are struggling to remove this crap.
Water dropped in my ear, for years nor I can't hear with my left ear, I only hear loud noise
You shouldnt leave water in your ear for 3 minutes, especially if its a low quality tapwater (read the comments about ear infection after doing this)
Where i live my doctors use a large syringe and actually squirt out the dirt and debry, it works fantastic.
I dont think that what is shown here is good advice at all and doesnt show the propper intended use of the bulb syringe.
If the syringe was inteded to only squirt 3 droplets, it wouldnt nearly have been as big.
Thought dude said air bulb
Wow….I never have had ear wax buildup issue but recently my ears began ringing and hurting some off and on, then left ear went almost completely muffled. Went to urgent care and they said I had compacted ears…i did debrox with my 1 ear after they cleared my left ear and it really works! It feels so liberating getting that stuff out. Hope it never happens again
I did this and got acute Otis Media 😢 from inserting water
Please do the top 30 videos of the month.. so sad you dont do that anymore!!