How to Get Rid of Mila | Natural Treatment for Milia – Pesky White Bumps on Your Face
32 comments how to get rid of milia, how to get rid of milia on eyelid, how to get rid of milia on face, how to get rid of milia under eyes, how to get rid of white bumps on face, how to get rid of white bumps under eyes, how to prevent milia, milia, milia castor oil, milia natural treatment, milia removal, milia removal home remedy, milia treatment, milia treatment at home, milium, milium treatment, natural milia remedies, natural milia removal, remove milia, remove milia at home
No need to have painful scar producing extractions at the derm office.
The products I recommend in this video:
1. Castor Oil for Milia
2. Exfoliating Facial Cleansing Scrub for Milium:
3. AHA Toner for Nightime treatment of milia:
I’ve been using castor oil morning and night, I think my milia is on steroids it will not go 😭
Do i need to wash out castor oil?
You helped so much dan you make a video on how to prevent them
My dermatologist advised me to apply Vit C serum after Ivory wash on my milia. Does vit c cure milia?
I had many time to time. I just got rid of them with salt only and pain free.
Take a small band-aid (sunny plast) put small amount of salt on it and put on the tiny amilia. Leave it overnight. After max two days it will be washed away with no effort at all
I just started breaking out with this stuff a year a ago the are forming everywhere😭
I hope there is also natural remedy for syringomas. 😢
how do I know, thar what I have on my face are Milia, and not the beginning of age warts (which grow very slowly over years)? I have 3 small spots on one of my eyelids, that I thought was the beginning of warts growing. So waht should I do?
What about syringoma ?
I am from India can you please recommend best castor oil for me?
I’m sorry with what I mix the castor oil with my Milia looks kinda big on my forehead please I need a 911
What can help if it's pigmentation and malesma
Every single time I use castor oil I get deep large milia. No way is it getting rid of it when it’s the cause
Will try and come back if it actually works. Im hoping, so i can't wait to get a good castor oil.
My daughter just started getting them.. one on arm and one around each eye.. what do they come from😳
What castor oil do I need to purchase??
What if it is super deep even years old. Despite regular facials and exfoliation, it never seemed to be going away. I even had several professionals poke around trying to get it out saying it is too deep. Right under my eye in that soft thin tissue so it really is noticeable as everyone looks right at the eyes
So I squeezed mine and now have funny bumpy marks under my eyes😢but going to try this routine you have suggested thanks 😊
Great video! Do you recommend a lightweight moisturizer to help prevent milia? I have dry and sensitive skin. Prefer unscented if anyone knows of one. Thank you!
I was literally tired of researching about milia removal
Ive had them for about 8 years now😢😢
Theyre underneath my eyes and forehead
Ive missed out a lot in life bc of the insecurity
I hope and hope this works fr….
Gonna try it
Do you exfoliate face first then put the castor oil your face
Yeah I’ve tried it. It did nothing.
How to tell the differences between Milia to white heads to warts?
Thanks for sharing this video,
I have many milia on my face.
And where can i buy those 3 products?thank you…
Thank you
Gosh she talks way too much instead straight to it sorry leave you to it I'm bored
Info starts at 3:31.
Thanks a bunch. I have several little bumps and will try the castor oil tomorrow!!
I have got white bumps, but soft, with no fluid in. But looks weird.