• I normally don't comment but for everyone reading this go read the hidden herbs by anette ray

  • anyone reading this message go find the book the hidden herbs by anette ray. that's the one book that really did it for me

  • For everyone reading this, finding the banned book called “the hidden herbs” by anette ray should be your top priority

  • Everyone watching this go find the book the hidden herbs by anette ray

  • It’s crazy no one here is talking about the hidden herbs by Anette Ray…

  • thank you. it seems like you need to be your own doctor these days. for everyone reading this i recommend the book the hidden herbs by anette ray

  • God has put so many plants around us to heal our bodies. you just need to learn how to use these herbs. after reading the hidden herbs by anette ray I can say I can finally understand the real value of the herbs around us

  • I pray to God that everyone who is reading this gets better and stays healthy. What helped me is using the herbs from the book the hidden herbs by anette ray

  • i know my comment will probably get burried somewhere but for everyone reading this go find the hidden herbs book by anette ray. you can come back and thank me later

  • I have read many books, I listened to many Youtube videos by many of the world's leading gurus and health experts but nothing came close to the hidden herbs by anette ray. I recommend everyone giving it a read.

  • I have been using a tulsi capsule from the last 4 months by planet Ayurveda, it really helped me. Now let's see how this will help.

  • Planet Ayurveda Bronco Plan Syrup has made breathing so much easier for me."

  • Use SinuSoothe Natural Nasal Spray if you suffer from sinus allergies. It was created by two sinus sufferers because the medical 'experts' couldn't help them. Don't take our word for it – read on-line reviews. It has already helped countless sinus allergy sufferers and is well worth trying. And if it doesn't work we will give you a full refund.

  • Miss my Natural Path Dr. They are the BEST

  • it worked!!! Thank so much Doc!

    I have had a stuffy nose for 6 days now, and it was getting worse, to the point where I was waking up in the middle of the night gasping for air.
    After trying a lot of other things:
    – day 1 and 2:
    – Buckley cold and cough -> didn't work
    – Took "Fisherman's friend" tablets (2), which have menthol in them) -> temporary relief, but nothing changed.
    – day 3
    – spent some time in the sun, jogged for a bit to force my body to push air around -> provided temporary relief, but didn't work
    – salt water gargles -> helped a little bit to get phlegm out of the throat and to sooth the throat, but stuffy nose was still 100%
    – drank more water throughout the day
    – some more "Fisherman's friend" tablets (2) – again, temporary relief to get SOME breathing going, but nothing changed.
    => ultimately didn't work.
    – day 4
    – did eucalyptus steam -> didn't work
    – drank lemon and ginger tea -> didn't work
    – drank squeezed lemon juice in warm water -> very temporary relief, but didn't work
    – day 5 (woke up with FULL ON Stuffy nose, had to breath through the mouth!)
    – drank squeezed lemon juice in warm water, with added powdered organic ginger -> still no relief
    – THEN I decided to try this! Rosemary, oregano and thyme steam and DAMN!!! took the FIRST wif of the steam and instantly felt phlegm loosen in my throat, and I went and spit it out. 5m in, my nose and mouth were dripping mucus (I couldn't frigging believe it!), and after 15m steam, I went and spit out more phlegm, and now i'm feeling MUCH MUCH better!!! I feel my sinuses in my nose bridge (near the eyes) open up.
    – Now I don't know if day 4 activities helped loosen the phlegm and mucus, but on day 5 morning, I was feeling horrible, so I'm gonna say day 4 activities didn't work THAT much.

    THANK YOU once again! God bless.

  • Rosemary oregano and thyme

  • Hi Dr, hope this find uou well, i ave a terrible sneeze during the morning hrs. Kindly help

  • I've been having nasal congestion since 2009 it sucks I use nasal saline spray ever since I pray and hope one day it goes away so I can breathe it stops me from going to work enjoying life I wish there was something to get rid of it sinusitis

  • Anyone get a tight throat with allergies? As I'm very allergic to dust mites and all that as I've been tested however Is there any remidies for it that people know of?

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  • Sir I am suffering from regular cold since 6months I have taken all possible medicines all remedies and homeopathy treatment as well pls suggest something for me

  • With steam it irritates my nose more

  • Great advice. I’ll try it!

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