DIY Products to Shrink Fibroids – Do They Work?
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I was diagnosed with fibroids and faced limited options besides medication too. Instead of accepting the standard treatment, I took control of my journey.
I changed my diet eating fruits and vegetables only I included turmeric based teas that were decaf and good for female hormones, I focused on my spiritual and emotional energy for 90 days. When I returned for a hormone test the fibroid was gone, and my hormone levels were excellent!
Healthy foods definitely influence your health!
Stop with the doctor suggestions
This dr is crazy. Talk about giving women no hope. Ofcourse they will want surgery money money. Who said traditional medicine doesn't work its been there for centuries before pharmaceuticals arrived and those where the healthiest people
Doctors their after money there don't care even to explain there know nothing but their getting paid by the gvt even those practioner nothing
FUCK THE DOCTORS & THE FDA you a melanated women & gone go with with the BS that a white man saying they don’t know & they never will know what it’s like to have fibroids don’t act like the shit ain’t come from them
They give women fibroids with the BS fake ass foods we eat all you have to do is watch the BS you eat💯 ALL NATURAL FOODS NO RED MEATS SUGARS STARCHES BREAD OR PROCESSED FOODS 💯💯💯💯💯💯💯🙌🏾
The FDA hasn’t cared about people healths since never
She should not he talking. She went and made the symptoms small. 😢😢😢
Treating the symptoms is not a cure!
Special appreciation to Dr Osaremhen, for healing me from fibroids on YouTube.
We’re tired of “FDA approved “ things and studies… please.
How come all these things so labeled “FDA approved” always end up with “it can cause cancer” years later. Please
It was challenging and unbearable because of how critical my health situation was. but I am grateful and happy to have ordered Dr Aluda herbal supplements on YouTube which I used and it shrunk my multiple fibroids completely🎉
Useless arrogant drs misleading the masses as usual. They’ll have you believe medication and surgery are your only options. It’s disgusting! Do your own research! Natural healing is almost always preferable and often more effective. The moment she said it isn’t FDA approved I checked out…as if that guarantees safety? Lol! There are so many damaging side effects from approved meds. Remember these morons get their paychecks from pushing prescriptions. It’s pathetic, it’s wrong, and it’s making people more sick.
Thanks for telling us.
Please tell us what does.?
These doctors saying not to even try to drink tea to shrink fibroids
They’re not proven because y’all won’t fund the studies because then you won’t be able to make money off of people’s pain through doctor’s visits and pushing pills/pharmaceuticals 🙄😏
Healthy habits and herbs can cause the body to heal itself from almost anything, especially if you catch it soon enough. Don’t buy the bull, people! 🙏🏾
Never take tranexamic acid. ❤take at your own risk
Makes Me Sick All The Lies They Tell! Anything Natural Works It Just Takes Longer
I was a whole foods vegan when i was diagnosed with Uterine fibroids. Big ones
Vine por los comentarios no por lo que dicen esos doctores ❤.Gravias por los testimonios
Total LIES. Natural is the way!!
She has the most annoying voice ever, also fuck FDA
Use alot of herbs water and exercise. Cut back on meat portions or stop. Fruit smoothies with aloe and coconut.
People have to do this especially women because we simply are dismissed our pain is dismissed our complaints are seen as a mental disorder depression anxiety etc. honestly Doctors are forcing women everyday to look for something that they can do themselves. I complained of problems my doctor did a ultrasound just really to shut me up. I had fibroids but she did nothing about it told me I’m in perimenopause and have fibroids but that she will see me again when I have no periods for a year that was it! No counseling on what I do to feel better she acted as though I was holding her up was in a big hurry and told me she didn’t have time to call with the results of my Pap if I didn’t hear from her it was fine. This is the normal gyno visit for most women so yeah the herbs may not be proven but what else are we going to do? We don’t have prescription pads or equipment laying around at our disposal we’re not having anxiety we’re having general pain but even when they find the cause of pain they are still more concerned about our mental health or they pass the buck go see your GP who then says go to the gynecologist it’s frustrating as hell! This Dr frustrates me too she says herbs and vitamins don’t work but by goodness with all her education gives no solutions that do so my question to her is if you have a patient with fibroids what do you recommend for them? What is the darn cure if you don’t know then ADVOCATE! We need more doctors who aren’t bias to women’s issues to be just as loud for more research and solutions for women. Instead of berating women trying to fix their bodies turn around and berate the failed medical system you are part of!!!!! Put that long winded speech and voice to given women an alternative to herbs and vitamins, if you can’t do that then shut the heck up we have had enough with dismissive overly educated no it all Doctors who really don’t know anything much about the female body!
I have seen so many good reviews about Dr ALUDA on YouTube using his herbal medication to shrink people's multiple fibroids and I decided to give it a try, and it shrunk mine completely too.. am so happy😊
"It's a huge business", say the eXpErTs who live and profit off ppl's diseases
All she does is push meds. Her 20 min of nutrition has failed her.
Many women who are having vaginal odor are all the cause of fibroids cut down on carbs too cos it’s causes fibroids to grow because end product of carbohydrates is glucose which is sugar !😊
I have seen someone with 40cm of fibroid no surgery she shrink her fibroid with intermittent fasting and fruit fasting now she doesn’t have fibroid for years !cut meat 🥩 and eat alkaline rich foods that’s what the womb is comfortable with and you will give birth with twins without trying
This is propaganda
I read studies that conclude vitaamiin D3 can shrink them. Might be worth getting tested for a vitamin D defficiency and go from there.
It's crazy that they do not see alternative medicine
Don't tell me that I can't naturally cure my
Fibroids cause I'm living proof
The first thing they want to push in you is Western medication I'm good
Now if your situation has gone too far make sure you do have doctors dealing with it but once you get good try to live a natural
A doctor’s answer to everything = medication!
This video is booty. Follow Dr. Berg and Dr. Josh Axe they'll point you in the right direction
Why is FDA the only regulatory body that approve Both Parma and Holistic medicine?
Africa have been surviving without Western medicine and all of your sudden regulatory body counter and their medicine and yours is the only one stand.
Sense or Nonsens?
Sarrapeptase works!!!!! please do some research!!!!!!
This is so sad it is not fault of natural therapeutics it is fault of greedy pharmaceutics and whoever abuse the situation that they have done zero research on active ingredients of natural therapies to create a solution. A definitive solution is truly missing not everyone can afford loosing freaking whole uterus to get rid of problem😢 science not proven curcumin shrinks fibroid you know why because either there is no industry or scientist invested on this or they know working on this line will not be profitable. I am inch away from surgery 😢 since last week i started to message area with castor oil who knows what it does then eating more tumeric in smoothies intake vitamind and iron listen to healing music everyday. Today suprisingly crazy bleeding on day two disappeared not big change but I beleive there might be combination of sth that at least work a bit safely
So no witch doctor juice?